Onderwijs studenten luisteren lezing

Education & Research

“The power of multiplying is sharing”

Behavioral change takes time. By making use of smart scientific insights into how our brain works, we can develop effective training and education programs, which are not only fun to do but also measurably effective. Communication education does not need to be boring, scary or uninspiring. With validated teaching methods, practical tips and realistic situations, we can prepare students for the real thing: working with people. Due to our own scientific research into behavioral change and customer satisfaction, we can immediately share our latest insights with schools, universities and clinical practices.

Our solutions

Everyone wants change, but nobody wants to be changed

Solid scientific advice

What gets measured, gets better. This is true for communication as well as behaviour. Depending on your wishes, we will look into a suitable solution for your research question. Together we will find the path, or else we will create a new path!

Educational programmes and guest lectures

Our experienced consultants are trained to develop your practical communication skills in a fun, accessible and educational way. From guest lectures to role-plays, from workshops to virtual communication games.


Our research in customer experience, communication and behavioral change has been published in leading academic journals and handy practical books. You might recognize us from “Communication in Practice” and the “Cookbook for Clienthusiasm”.

Some of our clients

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“The species you need to know the most about is the human being…”